Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 1: Rhythm and Opening Doors

Rhythms repeat.
They hold music together and make it exciting.
Rhythm has steady beat.
It can also has syncopation, call and response, and improvisation. pages have rhythm.  Like a drum rhythm there are parts that repeat in the same segments of time.

Rhyming poetry has rhythm and like a drum rhythm there are segments of time that repeat.
Rhyming words help hold that rhythm together.
Some rhymes are perfect perfect rhymes where the sound pattern and the spelling pattern are the same.
Some rhymes are auditory rhymes that have a sound pattern at the end.

We practiced making rhythms with our bodies.
We practiced making rhythms with sticks and experienced polyrhythm and improvisation.
We practiced call and response with "Behold the Bold Umbrellaphant" and identified where rhymes are perfect perfect and auditory.

We are creating different pages in our notebook trying to find where poetry hides.  
Our doors are things I know about, things I wonder about, my everyday life, my memories, my heart, and a secret one.
Then we collect bullets for each category.  With those bullets we write poems about them. 

Samples from our secret door:
what do we find in books
the sea 
how can we recycle

Letter Inviting Parents
Dear Parents,

Today we embark on opening the doors of poetry.  We will be documenting our process as we go and you can follow us in live time via Twitter and our poetry blog.  
Our Twitter address:  @poetrye3 
and our blog:

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